
Land Air Water Legal Solutions LLC's attorneys assist clients with project development, permitting strategies, and applications for state and federal environmental permits. We frequently assist clients in the procurement of permits, as well as in negotiating compliance and enforcement matters.

We have assisted with Requests for Determinations, minor source air permits, Title V Operating Permits, and major source permits issued under the pre-construction PSD and non-attainment NSR programs and NESHAP. 

In the area of solid waste, we frequently assist private companies and public entities with planning, project development, state and local permits and approvals and assistance throughout operations, closure and post-closure care of municipal, residual and hazardous waste landfills. We also assist in permitting and compliance for recycling facilities, composting facilities and transfer stations (truck and rail).

In addition, our attorneys are well versed in the Clean Water Act, Stormwater Management Act, and Dam Safety and Encroachments Act. Our attorneys also frequently assist developers of all kinds in procuring stormwater and encroachment permits, wetland delineation, permitting and mitigation.

We have longstanding working relationships with staff at all levels of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, and various other state and federal agencies, including the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the United States Department of Interior and the Army Corps of Engineers. 

Although many of our matters do reach an amicable accord, when necessary we vigorously defend our clients’ permit rights and compliance before the Pennsylvania Environmental Hearing Board, US EPA, and other state and federal regulatory authorities and courts.